Monday, February 15, 2021

IndieSwatch 2020 Bests Announced

Indie Lovers!

We are pleased to announced the winners and runner ups.  If a particular category has had the same winner in 1st place for 3 years in a row, the polish or brand will go into the Hall of Fame.  It will be added to the Hall of Fame tab and will be taken out of future voting for that category.  

We have 6 new Hall of Fame entries.  We see some new brands dominating the categories.  

For 2021, we am hoping the world is able to return to some sort of normalcy - that we will see some events take place, that we will see increase in diverse swatchers, and that we as a community continue to support authentic brands that role model inclusiveness.  We plan on retiring a few categories, and will add in a new one that I am really excited about to honor BIPOC brands.